
To meet the "infinite" needs of community markets, through their "expansions", MBO Softwares (Siret number: 51787502700024 - VAT number Intracommunity: FR52517875027), Software Publisher, via web browser (on computer, tablet and smartphone, accessible not only to the hundreds of customers in a city, but also to millions of customers around the world, on intra/extra/inter-net network, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for less than €100 per month of hosting), offers you targeted solutions, for the business networks of tomorrow, from security to incomes, of communities:

1. Design for Software, Website and E-mailing

~ Graphic charter formatted for computer, tablet and smartphone, of the Software Package, Software and Website:

  • From Artisan Showcase Website
  • From Merchant E-commerce Website
  • Web Personal Development Software
  • Web software for mastering tomorrow's systems
  • From Web business management software
  • Web software for managing professional services
  • ...

~ Illustrations, Photos and Animations, of advertisements on Software Package, Software and Website:

  • Product promotions
  • Presentation of catalogs of goods and services
  • Ads on inserts on pages with high audiences
  • ...

2. Design for Print

~ Logo and baseline with INPI protection and complete variation for any support:

  • Business card
  • Invoices and contracts
  • Leaflets, flyers and advertising stickers
  • POS decoration
  • Vehicle marking
  • ...

~ Paper, digital and audio books:

  • Educational books for children
  • Art passion books for young people
  • Books on mastery of tomorrow's systems for adults
  • ...

~ On objects by Sublimation (T-shirt, Mug, etc.):

  • Gift Sublimation on Polyester Textiles, Mouse Pads, Soft Toys, Polyester Luggage, ...
  • Sublimation of events on Cups, Water bottles and Bottles, Smartphone cases, Key rings, Magnets, Coasters, ...
  • ...

3. Design for POS Screens

~ Decoration of Stands and Showcases:

  • Artisan Showcases
  • Trader's Stands
  • ...

~ Mini animated promotions (cash screen, window screen, etc.):

  • Product promotions
  • Presentation of catalogs of goods and services
  • ...

~ Mini buzz clips (Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, ...):

  • Positioning, marketing with references, in directories
  • Promotions on company products or socio-economic events
  • ...

4. Integrity, Load and Cybersecurity Tests

~ Tests of data integrity, functionality and loads, by page tuples:

Testing of data integrity and functionality per page, with multiple and simultaneous profile, data and connection load scenarios, not planned.

~ Database hack tests:

Infiltration tests into the program and theft of the site's databases, in order to compromise its economic activity and recover its resources and financial windfalls.

Contact us, using the form at the bottom of the page, for a free quote.
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1 - Web Design

Some realisations in Website Design. (Click on the images to view)

5 - Website Development

Some realisations in Website Development. (Click on the images to view)
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How to use the contact form

After entering the fields and sending the form:

  1. The email is sent to the site administrator.
  2. A copy of the email is sent to you.
  3. Please check the good reception in your mailbox if not in your spam.
  4. The site administrator will contact you quickly.
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